Booking of Wingfoil, Wingsurfing, Foil or E-foil course
1. You can book genom the course calendar and select ett occasion, for example the Introductory course, if you would like another time outside the course calendar, please contact us.
2. When you book your first session, you can also choose a package and then select one or more of your course sessions in the booking calendar
3. When you have chosen a course (package), you can use each opportunity whenever you want during the season, i.e. 6 months ahead
4. To book your place directly with us, call or text:a +46793324498 for more information and bookning. We can provide times and places that we cannot always post in the online booking.
In the next step, you will see the calendar with bookable course opportunities, for Skåne call us or go to book course page
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Vi utgår från Gålö med båt så vi kör i alla vindriktningar. Även lugnt vatten för foil bakom båten
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Duration Varies
1,800 Swedish kronor - Läs mer
Vi utgår från Höllviken. Boka kurstillfälle för Introduktion, Grund kurs eller Komplett kurs.
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1,800 Swedish kronor - Läs mer
Att foila med Wingfoil bräden efter båt är det bästa sättet att lära sig behärska foil tekniken
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1,600 Swedish kronor Loading days...
2,600 Swedish kronor